

French charity Envol has been assisting seriously ill children and their families for 20 years, offering specially designed recreational stays to help them recover.
A wide range of individual and team sports and cultural events are offered during the stays.
Through shared experiences, games and fun, children regain their confidence and discover capabilities they never knew they had, which can then be applied in their daily lives.

Initiative supported: Cooking workshops for children for all stays from July to November 2017.

Through its support, the Foundation helped 240 sick children and teens discover the joys of cooking and a balanced diet in small groups.
Eight hours of cooking workshops, assisted by volunteers, were held for each stay to bring enjoyment to the children through tasty and creative recipes.

Social impact: 240 sick children were able to entertain themselves, discover the joys of cooking and recover their taste for eating well.

In all, 560 hours of cooking were provided to the children over a period of six stays from July to November 2017.